24,777: Almost Half-Way!

The kids are feeling a bit better. The boy’s likely going to school tomorow. Neither have strep, so that’s a relief.
Not having to stop and run back and forth to school has helped with NaNo productivity. Once I’ve gotten everything out of the way, I can sit down and pretty much write until I’m ready to quit. At this rate, I might get to take Thanksgiving day off so I can cook. 😉
My hero’s been behaving the last couple of days. I didn’t want to write any more last night so I did weird things like figure out how many words I was averaging per page so far and took and colored all the scenes in her POV pink and his in blue… then zoomed out to be able to see 6 pages at once and boy, that was a lot of pink! I can see I’m gonna have to go back and add some insights into his life/story in there.That big, blank, gaping hole at the beginning of ACT II is a great candidate for that kind of filling in. It’s surrounded by an ocean of pink.
Writing today went a little easier as with these scenes, I’m able to work in some of the other material from the original short story. I’m having to rewrite most of it, but there are useful bits. I’m nearing the bottom of the page of notes I have for Act II (probably 22 pages worth) and it’s a strange feeling. I’ve never gotten this far in a story before. I did manage to cram 25k words on another ms this summer, but it’s going to need completely torn apart and redone at this point.
I’ve also decided that having a wonderful, rich, detailed and interconnected world for you characters is great, but man is it a lot of work. You need a REALLY big chunk of time to write down all the relationships and details that you think of as you’re writing. I know, I should write it on an index card and toss it in a box and move on. However, I’m a digital pack rat. The file is getting unwieldy. Sounds like a project for December!
Way to go, Kaige! Keep up the great progress.
Congratulations on the milestone! And I’m glad the kids are feeling better, too. Great idea, BTW, about coloring the POVs so you can balance it out–I never thought of that. 🙂