3 Things I LOVE About My WIP
Last week in my accountability group’s HOW I WRITE series, we talked about 5 Steps from Dreams to Completed Goals. This week’s topic is “Share at least 3 things you like, love, enjoy, make you excited to work on your current project.” So for anyone out there who doesn’t know what a WIP is, it’s a “Work In Progress”.
I’ve got two projects I’ve been ping-ponging back and forth on. Both are Regency-set Historical Romances and include some of the same characters (the heroes are best friends). I just love the feeling of immersion you get when an author builds a universe for you and you get to bump into old friends or enemies every so often. Anyway, I’m thinking mostly about BENEATH HIS TOUCH (BHT) more than REVEALED this days, but I suspect that’s about to switch as I have a lot more word count going on BHT and the story feels more complete. It needs polish and some slight remodeling, whereas Revealed needs some serious foundation work in order to stand on its own at this point.

the Duke of Bolster

the Viscount Barrington
1. The Heroes
Who wouldn’t be excited about these guys? Getting them to do whatever I want? Dressing them up in cravats? Bonus! Seriously though, it’s a lot of fun to work with the starchy Duke and the puckish Viscount. They’re an interesting pair to play off each other. Similar in certain aspects, but different as night and day in others. How’s a girl to choose between them?
2. The Escapism
Just getting out of my own head and into someone else’s can be a good thing. Yes, all things with moderation and all that. But being able to let go of the here and now and slip back 200 years to an era of elegance and romance, it’s relaxing and fun. Yeah, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Besides, I get to do research on men in cravats so rewatching James Purefoy dressing as Beau Brummel totally counts.
3. The Romance
Ah, the romance! Looking at all the ways people can overcome the odds and find happiness with another person. Someone who is their best friend, someone who completes them. The HEA (Happily Ever After) is as predictable as the cops arresting the killer in a mystery, but exploring HOW that’s accomplished with their unique obstacles is the best part of each couple’s journey.
YOUR TURN: What are some things that have you excited about your current project? (Any type project is fine, it doesn’t have to be writing related at all!)
And if you’d like to read more about what’s got the rest of the group excited about their projects, you can find their blogs here:
* Alexia Reed * Kimberly Farris*
* Angeleque Ford * Danie Ford * Emma G. Delaney *
Ah-h-h, so hard to be excited about my projects when I’ve just fallen in love with your heroes.
I read, I write and rewrite and rewrite and the excitement diminishes. (sigh) But I’m not looking for pity, for the fun happens when the new idea, scene or ah-ha moment becomes inspirational. This is frequent and welcome.
Thanks, La Deetda! It helps when they’re so lovable! I know what you mean about new/shiny being fun. I was glad to see you mentioned it wasn’t just a new idea, but also new scenes and ah-ha!s that got you excited again. I’ve got lots of shiny starts that fizzled quickly, but these two have stuck with me. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
At this point, I’m just excited that I might be done in a couple of weeks! I’m working on the THIRD major revision for my SFR that I’ve been writing for at least a hundred years…LOL And LaDeetda is right about those heroes – yum.
That’s awesome news, Kat! That a HUGE thing to love and be excited about!
I can see why your heroes are at the top of your list. Very nice, indeed. I’m curious to know where your heroines fall on your list.
MUCH lower! LOL. Actually the heroine in Revealed is much higher than the one in BHT. I’ve never been in her slippers, but I know how she feels, how she reacts better.
I’m almost done with my WIP, book 7 in a series (but actually a prequel to the other 6). I love how I’ve been able to go back into history and explain a few things for myself and my readers. I love creating complex and even contradictory motives for the characters. I love making myself laugh as I manage a particularly clever turn of phrase. I have other WIPs though – the cashmere patchwork baby blanket for my niece’s baby due in a couple of months. I love the feel of the cashmere, the gorgeous colors of the sweaters I cut up, and the idea that it will keep a sweet baby girl warm without any weight at all!