A Day In The Viscount’s Company
Last week’s post How to Write While Dealing with Holiday Madness was more practical, but this week’s entry in our How I Write series, is all fancy. The questions posed was, “If you could spend a day with any one of your characters, who would it be and why? What would you do?”
This question was difficult for me and I kept putting off writing this post as I didn’t want to show favoritism or some such nonsense. I have to admit, I quickly discarded all my heroines, but one. She’s a veritable tomboy and much like me when I was younger, except she has a ton more confidence on her side. I figured I’d pretty much already grown up with her in many ways, so it was off to whittle down the list of heroes.
All of my heroes have something attractive about them, and they’re all quite dashing and fashionable. James, the duke, would be far too imposing and he’s a bit on the arrogant side. He’s also a bit of a starched shirt, as well. He needed someone playful like his friend, Hugh, the Viscount Barrington to offset his stiffer personality.
I suspect spending the day with the Viscount Barrington would prove both the most fun, and the most useful. He’s the class clown type and looking for attention. However, he’s also just coy enough, that unless you’re extremely close to him, you’d never know the real reasons why. He’s always been a thorn in my side because he refuses to open up and spill his secrets. Perhaps by the end of the day, he would open up or at least let something slip and I’d gain some insight into his personal demons.
As for what we’d do… I think taking a picnic and driving down to Richmond would be a wonderful way to start the day. He’s a dab hand with the reins and he owns a pair of prime goers that would make the miles fly past. Besides, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right? Feed him well, settle in for a long coze in the warm sunshine and I suspect with a few leading questions, I could get him to open up. I know he’s got an interesting story lurking there, I just need an opening. His armor is strong and has many patches reinforcing the spots where chinks had once been made.
I would also have to be on the watch for his tricks. He’s known for pranks that can be biting to those he dislikes, but I don’t think I’ve done anything to get on his bad side, so I should be safe. After all, it’s just another way he pushes people away when they get too close or annoy him by being hypocritical. I’d be understanding and gentle with him, but then again, maybe that’s part of the problem and why he’s not sharing… I’ve been too nice to him and haven’t pushed him hard enough with the tough questions.
I better go prepare a sumptuous picnic and work on my list of questions for him… asking everything I want to know might take a while. Perhaps I should plan to stop at an inn on the way back to Town.
After all, who wouldn’t want to spend a day and a night with this fellow?

YOUR TURN: If you could spend a day with a fictional character (one of yours if you write, someone else’s if you don’t), who would it be and why? What would you do?
And if you’d like to read about who the rest of my group would spend the day with, you can find their blogs here:
* Alexia Reed * Angeleque Ford * Danie Ford *
* Emma G. Delaney * Kimberly Farris *
I wouldn’t mind spending an afternoon with Viscount Barrington. lol
I don’t know what it is about characters keeping quiet about themselves. I have quite a few who are keeping silent. Hope Barrington opens up to you soon.
You’re right, I need to sit that boy down for a stern talking to! I think part of it is, I like the idea of how private he is and tend to respect it because I’m the same way. It could be fear of exploring those dimensions closer or I just haven’t put enough time into the discovery. I suspect it’s a bit of both, honestly.
I love, love, love this! What a great question.
I would have to go with Gideon from my current WIP. Not only is he a warrior (so he’s all alpha and sexy), but he’s funny, adventurous, charming, likes to party and has a British accent (yum). I imagine a date with him would involve hopping on a jet and traveling somewhere interesting where we would take in the sights, eat and drink in excess, and prank the locals. *Sigh* I can’t wait to get to his book in the series. 🙂
Sounds like a fun time, Danielle! Gotta love the combination of funny, adventurous and charming, especially mixed with the British accent! How long until you’re ready to tackle Gideon’s book?
Barrington! I loved him. LOL.I would def spend a day with him.
Wouldn’t he be a blast? As long as you kept him away from stupid people he didn’t feel an urge to take down a peg or two. And kept him away from the booze and the flowers 😉