Fan Girl Moment

at Romance World in El Cajon, CA on 8/3/08
On Sunday, I dragged my kids with me down to El Cajon to the Romance World bookstore. Two of my favorite Avon authors, Suzanne Enoch and Teresa Medeiros were signing their newest books, Before the Scandal: The Notorious Gentlemen and Some Like It Wicked
. After attending the Janet Evanovich event here at Borders, I was a bit apprehensive, but we set out and got there when the store opened. And yes, I took my camera this time!
The kids were predictably bored. Especially the boy. Their kids section was limited and they only had 2 Star Wars books, one of which we own. DD did much better and I think she ended up with more books than I did.
There were maybe a dozen people in the store including the staff. So it was nothing like Janet Evanovich’s event. Although I hope their Borders event later this week is as well attended as that one!
I love the books these ladies write. I got about 9 books signed and managed to get thoroughly tongue-tied and not manage very coherent sentences. Suzanne did remember my name when I mentioned I was the one who blogged about England’s Perfect Hero (Lessons in Love, Book 3) being one of my “comfort reads” back in April.
My daughter impressed Teresa with her love of reading and ability to speak better than her mother. She even wrote down the names of two of the authors my daughter recommended. When she found out DD had written a story for my birthday, she encouraged her to keep up with her writing. DD came home and wrote two pages of a new story. Sad to say that’s more than I accomplished yesterday.
And, Suzanne? A full resolution copy of this picture should be in your inbox as promised.
OMGosh! I’m so jealous! I’m sure you aren’t surprised (wavelength and all) but these are two of my favorites. . . .yeah, this is bad, I have 3 weeks to do a major re-write and get four submissions in and I’m sitting here with a Teresa Medeiros book thinking “Just a little recovery read. . .thats all. . . .I deserve it. . .”
What the heck am I thinking!!!!
OOPS – add:
Also, England’s Perfect Hero is one of my favorites. I waited and waited and waited for his turn and not only did Suzanne Enoch not let me down, she handled his stress and panic attacks with a grace and reality I’ve seldom seen.
Sorry, swear I’m done now!
TOTALLY LIED – but think about how cool your comment count will look!
I’m so excited that she encouraged your daughter to write. It’s amazing what a non-parent’s encouragement can sometimes do….that’s so gracious and kind!
Hehe. You mean you didn’t finish it on the plane?
BTW, Bria, I need to go to the post office again. 😉
So do I!!!! But there’s no ink in it *pout*
How cool! I’ve both authors although they aren’t the ones I gravitate to first. I think they’re both great though and I’m soo jealous you got to meet them. Now, if my signed copy of the latest JR Ward would appear in the mail I wouldn’t feel so jealous. (My friend Jen never hesitates to get me signed copies by Ward, but Jen and the post office do not mix well. LOL)
I think it’s cute that you were so starstruck. LOL!
Awesome that DD got encouragement for more writing…
Hehe. Don’t ask Bria about me and the post office, Winter! I think the last time I mailed something to her it took me three tries to get the package and her address there at the same time. *sigh*
I’m glad you thought it was cute, Tiny Froglet. I didn’t. I hate that feeling where I have a thought in my head and my mouth can only get half of it out and leaves me hanging in the silence while I try to figure out where it was going. 🙁
If anybody is anybody is anybody…it’s going to a writer.
For far too many reasons than I feel like going into here, now. Writers begin it all.
Actors might fulfill the vision. Producers, editors, screen writers? All have a part in fleshing out a story.
Nothing begins without the writer.
Andi – that’s so true. And yet, you hear all the time those sad stories – like at the Princess Diaries premiere how they all moved in to snap Meg Cabot’s picture and then someone said “Oh, that’s just the writer.” – and they all disappeared.
We totally have the right to be star struck by writers!!!