
I messed up. I thought DD’s day camp started TODAY. Good thing I checked the information packet before driving off to drop her off this morning. It’s only 4 days this year and starts tomorrow. DOH!
So the kids are upset with me for getting them up so early for no good reason and getting her all excited for nothing. Yeah, well I’ve been up since 6 am and we’ve still got a Cub Scout thing to do today. So only part of my day is easier.
So, in line with Diana Peterfreund>‘s AOTM Workshop this week on RD about Subplots & her plotboarding techniques, I’m taking my found hour and working on a scene list and summary for Revealed and looking for subplots and ways to pull the main plot out into focus. SUBPLOTS must serve the ROMANCE plot in some fashion: amplify/mirror/deepen/move it along. They can’t serve as the MAIN plot and I think that’s where I’ve been missing my target.
Writing time is going to be light this week, but I’m still making slow and steady progress. Sometimes it feels like it’s several steps backwards, but it’s all moving along that learning curve, so it’s all good.
Gratz on “owning” your found hour!
I nodded to myself as I read that “subplots must serve the romance plot in some fashion.” I HATE subplots that merely serve as filler or distraction. They make me impatient and resentful. But I’d never stopped to think why, exactly. Now I know! 🙂
Well, hey…it would have been way worse if camp HAD started today and you thought it started tomorrow. LOL
Glad to hear you’re making progress whatever the speed!! Keep at it, chica! 😛
It’s all good — look how much you got done!!!
Diana P has a GREAT website and blog. She did a series on there that I re-check out sometimes 🙂
Everything happens for a reason, you know. You were MEANT to have this hour.
Yeah, I totally believe it.