Fictional Foodie Favorites

Last week we talked about our Summer Writing Plans and it pains me to say that I haven’t yet managed to get started. Today was the closest I’ve come to feeling like I was on track. Our son promoted from middle school to high school yesterday, our daughter had finals, my car got clipped by…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 22

Week 22 of our 365 Photo Challenge. So close to the halfway point. It was definitely an iPhone kind of week. Crazy schedule gone crazier with the next to last week of school and DH getting his last 3 wisdom teeth removed really zapped my creativity and focus this week. What you see below are…

Writing Plan: Summer Edition

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group’s topic is Summer Writing Plan. We were asked, “What adjustments will you make to get through the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer?” We have 4 more days of school this year. Our son will be moving up from middle school to high school….

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 21

We’re up to week 21 of our 365 Photo Challenge! Not a very exciting week for you guys, but I had fun trying to catch the water from the fountains the way in a way I liked and wasn’t overblown with lots of purples in the highlights. Lots of iPhone pictures this week too. We’re…

Character Development & Archetypes

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “How do you develop your characters? Do you have a favourite kind/archetype?” We covered part of the idea of character development before and my general method is in the post, Building Characters where I likened it to my daughter’s cosplay outfits. I skimmed…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 20

This past week was the twentieth week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Took some chances on photos that paid off this week. Then there were the ones that didn’t. =) But since, I’m listening to Neil Gaiman’s graduation address for the University of the Arts Class of 2012, I’m going to not call them “mistakes”….

Are You BFFs With Your Heroines? Could You Be?

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “Could you be best friends with any of the heroines you’ve written. Is she/Are they someone you would hang out with? Why or why not?” I don’t know about BFFs, but my heroines are definitely the kind of people I’d hang out with….

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 19

Week 19 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Didn’t do so well on preparation or intent this week. Not sure what the deal is, but I can’t seem to focus (no pun intended) on anything for very long. Writing and photography are both feeling more like a chore than fun, but at least with this, I’m…

Hard vs Easy Parts of Writing

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “Dialogue, narrative, exposition, or description? What are your favorite parts of writing and why? Your least favorite and why? What do you do to make your least favorite parts more attractive or easier?” Deceptively Easy Parts of Writing When I am able to…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 18

Week 18 of our 365 Photo Challenge. I’m still taking pictures, I just realized I forgot to post this summary of last week on Sunday. We were busy trying to watch Iron Man 2 before going to see The Avengers. Fun movies! Definitely worth a viewing. The Avengers was packed with lots of action and…