Stop What You’re Doing & Have Some Fun!

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “What’s the last thing you did strictly for fun? Strictly for yourself?” “Oh, easy question!” I hear you… but take a second and think about it! We get so caught up in our daily routines that it’s all work, work, work. Or at…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 12

This is the twelfth week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Time’s really flying isn’t it? Rough week. Especially Tuesday. I caught a nasty sinus infection and spent most of that day with a 102˚F fever. I nearly forgot to take a picture that day. Luckily, I had a doctor’s appointment already scheduled for Wednesday morning…

Spring It Forward

Spring forward. Spring Cleaning. Renewal. Rebirth. Awakening. These are all clichés associated with spring. Now, we all know that clichés become trite and commonplace for good reason. There’s a universally acknowledge grain of truth in them or tradition builds up and it’s just the done thing. So… What have I done to spring myself forward…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 11

This is the eleventh week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Not a varied week subject-wise, but my favorite picture this year so far is included in this batch. I’d been playing with the white balance settings on my camera and saw a dandelion gone to seed in the grass. I decided to take a blind…

So… You Wanna Be A Writer?

This week’s topic for my accountability group in our How I Write Series is “What do you wish you had known before you had even started to write? What would you have told your past self? Would you have discouraged yourself or encouraged? Would you have gone a different route?” So… this post isn’t so…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 10

This is the tenth week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Hard to believe it’s been 70 days already! Sorry for the seemingly repeats of the nearly, but not quite full moon. Can you tell I didn’t take any photos during those days and needed something — Anything! — before I went to bed? At least…

Plot Bunnies: Proper Care and Feeding

Before we get to plot bunnies, let’s talk about creative insecurities for a minute. Many people worry to the point of paranoia about having their ideas stolen. This notion isn’t specific to any one industry either. Movies, music, writing, game design, car makers, electronics, everyone’s got something they’re afraid someone is going to overhear and…

A painting entitled, "Kick-up at the Hazard Table" by Thomas Rowlandson.

A Regency Primer on How to Play Hazard

If you’ve ever come across the phrase “She was at sixes and sevens” in a historical novel and wondered what it meant, you may be surprised to learn it originated from the game of Hazard and generally is used to mean in a state of chaos or agitation. This popular dicing game has been around…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 9

Week Nine of our 365 Photo Challenge! Spring has definitely sprung here. Which flowers are blooming are changing and I had some wild surprises this week from daffodils I thought were completely dead last year to a lizard taking a dip in the pool. The iceplant is just starting to bloom, soon the hillside will…

7 Creative Ways to Create Character Depth

My accountability group talked a bit before in our How I Write series in the posts on Building Character, but I wanted to take a closer look at some ways to create character depth, to make them unique, not just in your book, but in the market place. WHY do we want to read about…