Interview with Historical Erotic Romance Author: Sorcha Mowbray

Interview with Historical Erotic Romance Author: Sorcha Mowbray

*** UPDATE: THE WINNER OF THE EBOOK COPY OF LOVE REVEALED IS: TONI NOEL!! CONGRATS! *** Please welcome Sorcha Mowbray to the blog today! We’re celebrating her debut LOVE REVEALED which releases on February 3rd from Decadent Publishing . Now, some of you MAY be wondering why I’m interviewing an erotic romance author here on…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 4

And we’re wrapping up the fourth week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Where has January gone? Definitely feeling the creative pressure, so there are a few more experimental shots. I was feeling the time crunch so didn’t get as far in trying a kazillion different shots of the same thing except on Monday when it…

5 Steps from Dreams to Completed Goals

Last week in my accountability group’s HOW I WRITE series, we posted 5 Things That Made Us Smile that week. This week’s topic is “Share tips on how you successfully set and completed goals.” I had a very specific set of writing goals in mind for last year and this year, with the RWA National convention…

The Frost Fair, London 1814.

A Regency Primer on The Last Frost Fair

In the last entry in the Regency Primer Series we learned three ways to tie a Regency era cravat. This week, we’re going back in time to the last last frost fair. The last time the River Thames was frozen solid and the ships stood still and Londoners organized an impromptu festival in the middle…

Author Photo of Jillian Stone

Interview with Victorian & Steampunk Author, Jillian Stone

To help kick off my new interview venture and to celebrate her debut release, Jillian Stone has graciously agreed to answer some questions. She will also be giving away a signed copy of AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY (The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard) to one commenter today. ***UPDATE: THE WINNER OF THE SIGNED ARC IS: ALDEN…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 3

In some ways it’s hard to believe it’s already the third week of our 365 Photo Challenge. There have been a few days when I’ve wondered WHY I signed up for this, but I haven’t really had problems with finding a picture to take, even if I resort to my iPhone’s camera. I’ve noticed I’m…

5 Things That Made Me Smile

Last week in my acountability group’s HOW I WRITE series, we posted our take on writing advice and mine in particular struck a chord with readers. This week’s topic is “Name up to 5 unexpected finds/treats/treasures this weeks. Things that caught your attention that you may not have noticed normally.” It could be a book we’ve…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 2

This is the second week of our 365 Photo Challenge. Still clicking right along. One thing I’ve noticed, is that I still feel like I have my old camera in my hand. I’m stingy with “film” and I keep trying to advance the film with my thumb after I push the shutter button. I realized…

Writing Advice: The Best & Worst I’ve Seen

“Writing Advice: What are the top 5 best and worst things you’ve been told so far?” is this week’s topic in my accountability group’s HOW I WRITE series. Last week, we posted our look back at our 2011 goals and how we’re moving forward in 2012. I took this week’s topic in a similar vein….

A Regency Cravat tied with a Barrel Knot.

A Regency Primer on 3 Ways to Tie a Cravat

The last entry in the Regency Primer Series wrapped up our look at Twelfth Night and Wassailing which signaled the end of Christmastide during the Regency Era. This week, we’re going to take a closer look at some ways to tie a cravat. Three knots in which a gentlemen (or his gentleman’s gentleman or valet)…