Excerpt Monday: Take 11

It’s Excerpt Monday again! Bria and Mel are at it again. Everyone wants to play along with Excerpt Monday! If you’d like to join in this meme, visit their Guidelines page for more details. This month’s excerpt is drawn again from Beneath His Touch. James has agreed to accompany Tabitha on an outing to Astley’s…

Transportation in the Regency Era

Transportation in the Regency Era

On Monday, I spoke of a need for structure in writing a story or novel. Today, I’m going to talk a bit about worldbuilding and transporation. When writing about another time period or indeed even in fantasy and science fiction settings, the author needs to consider the infrastructure of their setting and the effects that…



Just like we need a bit of structure in our lives in order to thrive and stretch our selves to reach our goals, our writing needs a bit of structure to it. This helps keep the story coherent and cohesive and helps it resonate with the reader. I’m sure there are experimental constructions out there…

Twelfth Night & Epiphany

Twelfth Night & Epiphany

One of my pet peeves involves the Twelve Days of Christmas and the use of the term to refer to the 12 days prior to December 25th. That would fall under the season of Advent, the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, if anything. I’m not a deeply religious person, but it saddens me to…


Goals, Accountability & Blog Plans

It’s the time of year to talk about New Year’s Resolutions and Goals. But what if you don’t want your hopes, dreams and plans to go the way of every other year’s abandoned or failed New Year’s resolutions? Last year, I joined an accountability group and learned goals must be WRITTEN down. Committing goals to…

Excerpt Monday: Take 10

It’s Excerpt Monday again! Bria and Mel are at it again. Everyone wants to play along with Excerpt Monday! If you’d like to join in this meme, visit their Guidelines page for more details. This month’s excerpt is from Sweet Temptation, a Regency-set RomCom. Our heroine (introduced in June’s excerpt) has given her best friend’s…

Holiday Madness

You may remember a post I did last March titled A Case of the Megrims, where I wished I was doing research for either a story or my Regency Resource pages, but instead I detailed the problems our son was having with a sinus infection. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning. The CT scan the…


Excerpt Monday: Take 9

Once a month, Bria Quinlan and Alexia Reed host a bunch of authors who get together and post excerpts from published books, contracted work or works in progress, and link to each other. You don’t have to be published to participate–just be a writer with an excerpt you’d like to share. For more info on…

56 Days Left

I feel like I’ve made progress this week. Not as much as I’d like, but I can say that progress was still made. With 56 days remaining until the end of the year, I have about 52k words left on my Regency Beneath His Touch and figure I’m about 42% of the way done. I’ve…

67 Days

I decided I’m not going to do NaNoWriMo again this year. I’m taking a slower approach and hoping to complete the first full draft of my Regency, Beneath His Touch, by December 31st. This gives me 67 days to write another 56k words to end up with 90k total. When I’ve been able to sit…