Excerpt Monday: Take 8

Once a month, Bria Quinlan and Alexia Reed host a bunch of authors who get together and post excerpts from published books, contracted work or works in progress, and link to each other. You don’t have to be published to participate–just be a writer with an excerpt you’d like to share. For more info on…

Warrior Writer Recap

So, the Warrior Writer Workshop. I was scared it was going to be too similar to Todd A. Stone’s Novelist’s Boot Camp, but reading the book, Who Dares Wins, I realized the Blood Lessons and the Circle of Success rang much truer and allowed me to take those ideas beyond the writing and see the…

Workshop Tomorrow

I’m taking a huge step outside my comfort zone tomorrow. Bob Mayer is coming to town and giving two days of workshops: one focused on writing and the other focused on the writer. Originally the one today was supposed to be for non-fiction writers, so I wasn’t interested. Turns out it was changed to a…

Excerpt Monday: Take 7

Once a month, Bria Quinlan and Alexia Reed host a bunch of authors who get together and post excerpts from published books, contracted work or works in progress, and link to each other. You don’t have to be published to participate–just be a writer with an excerpt you’d like to share. For more info on…

Excerpt Monday Update

This coming Monday, the 14th, is the date for September’s Excerpt Monday! Bria Quinlan and Alexia Reed, the hostesses, have changed things up a bit this month, so be sure to go visit the main page for the details. The good news is that you no longer have to worry if everyone’s links are correct…

Reading Spree

It looks like I forgot to update my 2009 Reading List for the last month or so. I’ve kept up to date on Goodreads.com, so it was easy enough to do. I was surprised to see I’d easily sailed past the number of books I recalled reading in 2008(79) and have read 87 books so…

Regency Resources Updated

I just spent far too long updating my Regency Resources page. I mostly cleaned up AOL and Geocities links. I LOVE the wayback machine (http://www.archive.org) for things like this. I also added a bunch of new links I had sitting waiting to be put in. I’m still thinking about how to make it more readable…

I Stand Corrected…

So, remember when I said summer was over just last week? Mother Nature apparently took exception to that and has sent us a heat wave here in Sunny SoCal. The electronic sign at the high school has been unable to properly show the temp, claiming it was 1C3˚F the other day. Now, the question is,…

Been waiting for this…

Alexander Forsytheʼs house is haunted. One wouldn’t think a hundred and three year old vampire would let a little ghost bother him, but this particular house guest has outstayed her welcome. Alex detests witchcraft, but after discovering his ghost, Abbie, is the ancestor of the local witch, Willow Cowan, his choices are limited. Alex calls…

Summer’s Over

Yup, Summer’s officially over and the kids are back in school and that means I have more time to myself again. How can they both be in middle school already? Despite appearances to the contrary on the blog, I have actually been doing some writing related work. You know you’ve neglected the blog for too…