Excerpt Monday: Take 6

August 10th is Excerpt Monday! Has it REALLY been another whole month? Bria and Mel are hosting Except Monday again! Once again they’re inviting everyone to play along with Excerpt Monday! You don’t have to write romance or belong to any special group, you just need to write and want to share your stories. If…

Excerpt Monday: Take 5

July 13th is Excerpt Monday! Has it REALLY been a whole month? Where is the summer going? *sigh* Bria and Mel are on a roll! Check out the snazzy cards they had made to hand out at RWA Nationals this year, that I’ve stolen for a banner. This month they’re inviting everyone to play along…

Excerpt Monday: Take 4

It’s Excerpt Monday again! Bria and Mel are at it again. Everyone wants to play along with Excerpt Monday! If you’d like to join in this meme, visit their Guidelines page for more details. This month’s excerpt is from Sweet Temptation. We’ve been sick as dogs at my house, so I’m hoping this’ll be coherent!…

Laptop Returned

I’ve been floundering along for a while with some of the keys on my laptop not working properly. The buttons, F5, 5, T, G, B, -, and [ as well as weird things with the left butterfly or command key. It kept working on and off and it was very annoying. Back at the beginning…

Gone to the Beach

DH came home from a business trip this morning and we snuck out of town a little after 6pm. Traffic wasn’t too bad except for the border patrol check point in San Onofre which began moving promptly again at precisely 7:30 pm. Illegal immigrants must abide by the holiday schedule as well, you see. So…

Excerpt Monday: Take 3

It’s Excerpt Monday again! Bria and Mel are at it again. Everyone wants to play along with Excerpt Monday! If you’d like to join in this meme, visit their Guidelines page for more details. This month’s excerpt is from The Flower Queen’s Daughter. It’s a bit longer than I had intended to post, but I…

What A Day!

Seventeen years ago today, my husband and I tied the knot on an overcast morning beside the Chester River in Chestertown, Maryland where we went to college. This was one week before he graduated, four months before his 21st birthday. We had a surprisingly large turnout of all our friends and family considering it wasn’t…

I think I can…

So May is also a month of insanity around here. So why did I jump on the RD May Wri Mo bandwagon? Cause I’m a sucker for wallowing in pain and suffering with as many other people as possible? Maybe. More likely, it’s the fact that I work better knowing others are working at the…

Focus Point

In photography terms, a focus point refers to the small brackets, lines or circle in the middle of an autofocus point-and-shoot camera’s viewfinder that indicates where the camera is pointing. In broader terms, I like to think of it as what I’m currently putting my energy toward: be it a project, a routine to reinforce…

Excerpt Monday, Take 2!

Bria and Mel are at it again! I’m late to the party, but wanted to play along again. I’ll be back in a bit with more links to follow I think this excerpt started life as a response to a challenge on Divas and never made it anywhere because I’d cheated in the challenge and…