Happy B-day to Me!

No big plans today, no big post like last year. I haven’t even decided where we’re going out for dinner tonight. In the last year, I haven’t noticed “life began at 40”, but hey, it’s still early, right? Two best gifts so far? An actual plan to make DS feel better and DD comes home from…

Falling Apart?

I honestly don’t think it’s quite that bad. It just feels like it. I’ve got a lot of stress going on in my real life (with the boy’s never-ending headache(s) and the girl off at camp on her own) plus I’m hating how the second part of my opening chapter is going. It feels like…

A case of the megrims

To have a case of the megrims was to have a headache. Often from the descriptions in diaries, these may have been migraine attacks or at the very least serious tension headaches. Darkened rooms, an absence of sound, relief brought on by a cool, damp cloth on one’s forehead or the back of one’s neck…

Excerpt Monday!

Bria and Mel have a new challenge up to post an excerpt on Mondays, just cause. Well, ok. I’ve been pounding away at redoing the opening to Beneath His Touch, a Regency-set Historical Romance that I’ve described before over on my Writing page. Anyway, the new opening scene is after the jump. Feel free to…

Conflict Revisited

Scriptwriters and directors have it easy compared to novelists. They ask for a charged look to pass between the characters and it happens (Ok, it may need a couple of takes to get the right one!). Audiences must infer from outward reactions between characters to know what they think and feel. We imagine, with a…

RD Hist/Para Workshop

Writing Historical Paranormal Romance with Some of The Hottest Authors in the Genre March 20th & 21st at Romance Divas Featuring: Colleen Gleason Melissa Mayhue Jennifer Ashley Sharon Page Jennifer St. Giles Want to know how to write romance that brings a mysterious and paranormal twist to history? Romance Divas is hosting a 2-day workshop…


Sorry, no fancy image today. I’ve been so tired this week. It’s crazy. We camped out Saturday night and I didn’t sleep well, as usual. Only it was worse than usual, because my legs ached from hiking to the bathrooms and back several times and they decided to cramp. There was also a lot of…

Keyboard Frustration

It’s always something, right? Some of you may know I’ve been having problems with some of the keys on my keyboard. It wouldn’t be so frustrating if it wasn’t keys I used all the time like “t”, “g” and “b”. Of course, after taking it in to the Apple store this morning and setting up…

Stop this crazy ride…

This week has been insane. It seems like everything that could have gone wrong, has and if it hasn’t yet, it’s waiting to do so until just the right moment. Dealing with crazy vendor issues with the rental property we own. Trying to get an estimate for some work done there totally ruined my day…

Irrevocable Commitment

In Chapter 8 of Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook, Donald Maass spends a lot of time on the idea of why we do what we do. Not just the big things, but the little ones too. He says it’s because we care. Without feeling like what we do matters, there’s no sense in getting out…