Thursday Thirteen: Grocery Staples

  13 Staples on My Grocery List   Sorry for the boring topic, but I just remembered it was time for the Thursday Thirteen post again. This week has been insane. The kids had school off on Monday and it seems to be the week for all sorts of appointments. I’ve been to the dentist…

Thursday Thirteen: Greatest(?) Hits

  13 Searches That Found My Blog   It sucks that I know most of these are image searches, but hey, eyeballs are eyeballs right? Throw enough of them against the wall and one or two are bound to stick, right? Ok, with these searches, probably not. And that’s just a gross image. *grin* I…

Where’s my Calgon?

I now have less than a week to finish and submit this short story. EEEEEEK! Where the heck did September go? I’ve been up against multiple deadlines this month and I’d hoped to have this story finished well before now. However, that’s definitely not the way it has worked. The characters have been not cagey,…

Thursday Thirteen: Reading Habits

  13 Q&A On Reading Habits I found this on Wordtrix’s blog last week and she said to feel free to borrow! So I have! 1. What are you reading right now?I’m smack dab in the middle of this one:The Edge of Desire (a Bastion Club Novel). I’ve had it over a week, so you…

Thursday Thirteen: Habit Forming

  13 Things to Avoid When Changing Habits   As you can tell from Monday’s post, habits and routines have been on my mind alot. Leo Babauta from Guam has a great blog titled: Zen Habits where you can go see his comments on these pitfalls. He gives permission to reprint his posts, but in…


No, I’m not talking about the black and white robes nuns wear and not riding habits either. I’m thinking about how we establish routines, even if we’re breaking a good habit by allowing a bad routines to creep in. It’s been claimed that it takes 21 days to build a new habit. It certainly doesn’t…

Thursday Thirteen: No Time!

  13 Things I don’t have time for today…   1. Finishing the short story I’m working on. I’m about halfway there and man, it’s kicking my butt every sentence. 2. Doing laundry. 3. Cleaning out all the junk mail in my inbox. 4. Cleaning out all the non-junk mail from mailing lists I’m normally…

Thursday Thirteen: Morning Delays

  13 Ways My Kids Make Us Late   I hate to be late. I hate to feel like someone else is waiting on me. I hate to sit around waiting for someone else. My kids drive me nuts in the mornings before school. I’d had a nice relaxing stretch of sleeping in well past…

Radio Silence?

Last week was insane, this week is crazy. I’m not intentionally maintaining any sort of radio silence. I’ve been taking stuff in lately, and not doing much on the putting stuff out front. I’m still slaving away on the short story I’ve been working on and this morning the words came a bit easier than…

Thursday Thirteen: New Wheels

  13 Reasons DH Needs A New Car   1. The fabric on the ceiling is coming loose and attacking anyone in the back seat. 2. The rear passenger side door won’t open. This means he can’t easily drop the kids off at school. 3. It’s older than DD. (Ok. It’s always been older than…