Tick, Tock…

I joined Bria‘s writing goals accountability thread on Romance Divas‘s forum and have been thinking about time management a lot lately. The other night, Andi and I were talking about how this past year has flown by so quickly. There’s lots of theories out there and I’m not going to dig into any of them…

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day to everyone in the States! We’re having Bacon Cheddar Burgers, Watergate Salad, Broccoli Salad, Macaroni Salad, probably some chicken and/or shrimp thrown on the grill as well. We’ve often gone down to sit at the intersection across from our high school to see the local fireworks display, but we realized last year…

Thursday Thirteen: Owls

  13 Owls My Daughter Likes   DD is crazy about owls. For nine years she has collected owls: stuffed owls, puppets, ceramic, carved stone, ones made of gourds, rings, necklaces, any kind really. She is a walking encyclopedia of owl specific knowledge. She loves explaining how you can tell male and female Snowy owls…

Wordle & FQD

I’m late in posting this, but I didn’t want to ignore it either. Wordle.net is an awesome way to lose a few hours messing around. Call me crazy but this is my favorite new lens. I rushed pasted in my three WIPs. Bria and MJ and several other Divas did theirs. You can fiddle with…


Last night we dumped the kids at the martial arts studio’s beach party and went downtown to eat at Opaque, one of those dining in the dark places. We were early for our reservations, so we sat in the lobby of the local W hotel and drank $10 cocktails. The décor there was cool with…

Onions & Ogres

Yup. Layers. Changing your way of thinking and looking at the world isn’t easy and it doesn’t shift overnight. Repeatedly banging your head against the same walls can help. Wait, I mean repeatedly exposing yourself to the same ideas in different venues, formats and states of mind. I decided to subject you to some snippets…

Thursday Thirteen: Apps

  The 13 Applications I Use Most   What computer programs do you use that you just couldn’t get through the week without? Yes, this is a biased Mac user’s list. Anyway, mine are, in no real order of preference: 1. Microsoft Word I use this on a daily basis. My journal entries have been…

Wasted Opportunity

We’ve had a heat wave here lately. It hit over 106oF this weekend. Now, take a good-sized Borders and cram an additional 500 people into it beyond the normal Saturday afternoon customers and you’ve got a recipe for a good session of people watching. I’ll be one of the first to admit I hate crowds….

Thursday Thirteen: Internal Editors

[[Edit: For the non-writers out there, an internal editor is that voice in your head that tells you everything sucks and is always suggesting better ways to word a sentence, even if it just suggested changing it away from that particular wording not five minutes earlier. It can prove a block to writing if you…


I’m always left in awe by people who are adept at time management. You know those families who manage to do everything under the sun and still find time to relax and enjoy life? That’s so not us. We’re pretty laid back folks. Drama, over-planning and over-commitment are things we actively strive to avoid. In…