Back for a bit…

It’s a crazy time at our house. We just spent the weekend camping with the Cub Scouts. We had mosquitoes galore, a missing piece of our grill (no fire! ok, we borrowed a stove from someone else), and a loud noisy pack across the road from us that decided to use their bullhorn and ring…

The Dress

This is the infamous “dress” that has been keeping me busy and not writing lately. I started laying out the fabric and pinning the pattern to it on last Saturday morning and finished hemming the skirt on Monday afternoon. You can’t see the slip I also made to help poof the skirt out for her…

Tagged! Twice!

Life’s been crazy again with all the end of the school year stuff going on. The monsters are in school until June 12th, and you better believe I’m counting the days. Why does life always have to happen at once? Hrm. Seems while I wasn’t looking, I got tagged twice. Ok… catching up with those…

Giant Blocks of Yellow!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been either busy writing, or not writing. Duh, right? Ok. Lemme explain that a bit more clearly. I’ve been pounding out at least 2k words on the WIP on days I’ve planned to write. I’m doing the May RoDiWriMo (basically the Divas decided to do NaNo…

A little knowledge…

… is a dangerous thing. Maybe this is what Andi and Bria were getting at when they asked if I thought too much craft info stuffed in my head was a bad thing<tm>. I admit I was pretty bored with the workshop on Saturday as the nuts and bolts were gone over. It’s a good…

Off to LA

We’re taking off for LA this weekend. I’m going to attend a LARA workshop on dialogue with Julia Quinn on Saturday with 10 other divas and 50 other people. DH is going to take the kids to Universal Studios while I’m there. And Sunday we’ve been invited to a BBQ at a friend’s house, so…

Thursday Thirteen: Icecream!

  13 Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Flavors   April 30th is/was 31 Cent Scoop Night at Baskin Robbins. We didn’t event try to buy 13 flavors, but we could have for only about $4.36! There was a limit of 10 scoops per person. And there were about 80 people outside the shop waiting to get…

Arcs & Lenses

Jodi of “Will Work for Noodles” fame posted the other day about one of her papparazzi moments similar to the one I had when I read Leigh Michael’s book On Writing Romance and how the conflict/force thing has to work in order for this arc to occur. Jodi’s post completed the circuit for me. I’ll…


I’ve never been a very goal oriented person. I’m more the type to sit back and react to what happens around me. This isn’t working as far as writing goes. One of the joys of DH living in Peru and growing up with football (that’s soccer to us Americans) as a way of life means…

Thursday Thirteen: Old Friends

  13 Repeatedly Reread Books   I’m sort of borrowing this idea from Nicholas over at A Gentleman’s Domain. I’m sure there will be little overlap. When he posted his list the other week, I commented saying how some books were like comfort food. It’s just comforting to curl up with them and spend some…