
Yes, that would be me: the slacker, not the woman in the picture. I don’t know if slacking is the right term though. It’s been a crazy week. I’m consistently short on sleep and that only makes it all worse. The other night, I made the mistake of making DH read through the first 20…

Journal Query

In my journal entry on Friday, I wrote a big whine about how my progress with The Flower Queen’s Daughter was going. It isn’t really relevant except I was asked in chat what I wrote about in my journal. I replied that I usually use it for ranting, whining, and thinking out loud about what…

Thursday Thirteen: Most Played

  13 Most Played Songs in My iTunes   Below is list of my top 13 played songs on my desktop’s iTunes. Wow. I like really depressing music. I hadn’t realized how dismal the outlook in many of these songs was until I looked up the lyrics for all of them. I think “Flower In…


My word count for this folktale-based story is currently sitting at 2,914. It’s scary to realize that is 500 more words than my first draft of Revealed, which laid out an entire plot line. The past couple days felt like I was pulling teeth again for each word. I think I finally figured out why…


Didn’t Get Very Far…

So, we didn’t escape far. We pretended to be tourists and drove down to El Cajon on Friday afternoon to do the Taylor Guitar factory tour with the kids. DH had been a couple years ago, but we thought it might be interesting for the kids since they’re becoming more musically aware and we’re like…


I’ve been tagged again. This time by Dana Belfry. You’re feeling: lazy and unmotivated To your left: the fireplace, I’m on the laptop in the living room On your mind: since DH took today off work, what we’re going to do this weekend that’s fun and impulsive as opposed to what we SHOULD do this…

Thursday Thirteen: Tang Soo Do

  13 Techniques My Kids Know   The kids are taking martial arts these days. They’ve been taking classes solidly for six months now and have each gotten two new belts. DS is slightly ahead of DD which is different and controversial in terms of sibling rivalry since he’s a year younger. Before last fall,…

Work In Progress!

My WIP saw actual progress over the last two days. It’s Spring Break here for the kids and they were already crying they were bored by lunchtime yesterday. Today, I further taxed their powers of self-entertainment by taking them with me to get the tires on the van looked at. The guy told me, “I…

Thanks and Possible Breakthrough

First off, I want to thank everyone for their birthday wishes yesterday! I had a great day and we went out for Japanese for dinner for something different that the kids and I’d never had before: Shabu Shabu, which is named for the “swish” sound the meat makes when you drag it through the boiling…

Thursday Thirteen: Happy Birthday!

  13 Happenings On April 3, 1968   You say it’s your birthday? Well, it’s my birthday too! This is somewhat of a running joke in my son’s Cub Scout Pack. I share my birthday with his den leader, but she’s older than I am =P We also share the day with my other friend…