I have been working on the Flower Queen’s Daughter story. I decided I needed to dig deeper and figure out the heroine’s storyline and what her own journey looks like. So far, I detailed conflicts and beats for the first four scenes. My real issue is with keeping things simple and preventing them from becoming…

Thursday Thirteen: Recipes

  13 of My Standard Recipes   I like to cook, hate to clean. If there’s something besides books that I collect, it would have to be recipes. I love reading recipes and I love knowing some history behind the recipe as well. Back in 2000, I found a wonderful site. At you can…


Shouldn’t I be writing?

So, I got an reply email from DH after I sent him to let him know I fixed a couple things on his website: “Shouldn’t you be writing? ;)” Doh. Caught procrastinating again. He knows how I get when a puzzle is put in front of me. To be honest, I have been running a…

Review: Hot Contract

Today’s the official release day for Jodi Henley’s Hot Contract. Hot Contract by Jodi Henley When Jen Stalling, chief geologist on a new magma-based power plant known as the Pele Project witnesses the murder of a fellow scientist, Project officials don’t want the negative publicity of a murder investigation. “An accident,” they say. Jen knows…

Hot Contract Now Available

I haven’t done this before but I can’t keep quiet about this one. Jodi’s book just came out over at The Wild Rose Press and I’ve been waiting for this one. Now, I haven’t finished it yet, so this isn’t a full-fledged review. However, lemme tell ya, I’m lovin’ what I’ve read so far! I’ll…

Thursday Thirteen: My Soundtrack

  13 Songs On My Soundtrack   I loved this meme when Gina Ardito did it a couple weeks ago for her Thursday Thirteen. My only problem was deciding which music collection to use. My laptop only has instrumental music: Opus 2. Waltz # 1 and Violin Concerto In F, RV 296 – 3. Allegro…


Excellent Blog Awards

Kat from Kat’s Krackerbox gave me an Excellent Blog Award today. How very sweet of her. Thank you so much, Kat! The Rules: By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you agree to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you…


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I didn’t get much of anything done this past weekend. Real life intruded, but mostly in the form of sleeping in and watching sappy chick-flick movies on tv instead of anything else. I did trade a couple emails with Winter about directions I could take with the Flower Queen’s Daughter, but…

Thursday Thirteen: Conflict Building

  13 Possible Short-Term Problems   I brainstormed a bit today on putting together short-term problems that would pull the hero and heroine together yes provide some conflict on why they might not be the best match at first glance. I’ll readily admit that many of these were heavily influenced by romance novels I’ve read…


Ok, so I had this great aha! moment and now trying to work with it, I keep running into a brick wall. I spent a good chunk of time today taking the writing exercises at end of Chapter Five on Conflict in Leigh Michael’s book On Writing Romance. I got a bit closer to figuring…