Brrrring, Brrrring.

MJ Fierstein tagged me for this new meme. I also got tagged by the 8 Things one, but this was quick and easy, and a lot of fun! And I got to watch it start. hehe. Did you ever play the game Telephone when you were a kid? It’s sometimes called Rumor or Gossip. You…


I mentioned in a comment of my previous post on trying to figure out how to structure a new romance story that I’d just purchased two craft books and experienced one of those Aha! moments while reading the first one: On Writing Romance: How to Craft a Novel That Sells by Leigh Michaels. I shall…

Thursday Thirteen: Studio Ghibli

  13 Studio Ghibli Movies We Love   Hiyao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli is as big or bigger than Disney here in the U.S. We own these thirteen (and probably others) in both the original Japanese and the American dubbed releases. We’ve watched most of their movies multiple times and the kids really enjoy them as…

Fitting Pieces Back Together

This is still really rough, but I spent a large chunk of today working on turning my worksheet of scenes with their info and list of beats to be hit into a genuine stab at a blurb and synopsis. I realize that it’s still needs a lot of work and many of the details have…

Logic Puzzles

I hate the ones like on the SAT where they’re not much more than busy work. You know. Lots of irrelevant information thrown at you about what the weather was like when Mrs. So-n-So’s 3rd grade class went to this specific zoo and saw a group of monkeys, so many males and so many females…

Thursday Thirteen: More Travel

  13 States I’ve Visitedbut Never Resided   1. Pennsylvania (while living in Maryland) 2. New Jersey (while living in Maryland) 3. Virginia (while living in Maryland) 4. West Virginia (while living in Maryland) 5. Delaware (while living in Maryland) 6. North Carolina (while living in Maryland) 7. Florida (while living in Maryland, Alabama, Texas…

Puzzling It Out

So, I’ve been fiddling with a new idea to go with this game-like approach I’ve been thinking about (I haven’t forgotten, Jodi!) while being offline most of last week to spend time with my mom, her friend, and the kids who were out of school. I found a great resource Folktexts where they have collected…

Thursday Thirteen: San Diego Tourism

  13 Touristy Things To Do In San Diego   Since I’ve got family visiting this week and I know of several people planning to visit the city, I thought I’d toss these up this week. We’re talking about going on the whale/dolphin tour thing tomorrow. DD asked why I didn’t include Disneyland (where we…

Diva Free Reads

Romance Divas has just wrapped up their second annual e-book challenge where the members were encouraged to write a story and put it up for free. THE DIVAS E-BOOK CHALLENGE 2008 has some great stories by some fantastic people. Do yourself a favor and run click, don’t walk miss a chance to check out these…

Thursday Thirteen: Today In History

  13 Valentine’s Day Occurrences   Happy Valentine’s Day! No sappy trivia today (see yesterday’s post for that)! Below are just a few of things that occurred on Valentine’s Day in history. There were a lot of others I thought were cool, but had to zap to pare it down to thirteen. 1 ) 278…