
No, it’s not that old-timey game a game in which players try to flip plastic disks into a cup by pressing them on the side sharply with a larger disk. That’s tiddlywinks! I talked a little about this yesterday, but I’ve had such fun with it, I thought it needed shared again and I should…

Breaking Radio Silence

So, what have I been up to while I’ve essentially been maintaining “radio silence” the past couple of weeks? The holidays came and went. DS decided to share his cold with everyone. How generous. Ugh. We decided we’d stay home for New Year’s instead of infecting our friends in L.A. Didn’t do much here for…

Thursday Thirteen: Holiday Stress Anyone?

We did get a tree and our lights up on the house. The tree is still au naturale and we keep forgetting to unplug the lights at night. Who decided that adding more obligations to my schedule was a good thing? If there’s only 5 days until Christmas, that means I only have 12 days…

Back from the Void

The online game that I played had a thing where if you didn’t send in any commands for a long enough period, it would idle you out. Your character was sent to a special room named “The Void”. Before you hit a second time-out point, your next command would put you back into playing mode…

The End or A Train?

I’ve reached 37, 514 words now. Slow going this week. Very slow. It feels like I should be able to see that light at the end of the tunnel. I probably have 17 or 18 more pages to write and it’s like pulling teeth all over again. Today when I went to pick up the…

Thursday Thirteen: Holiday Prep

I feel like such a Scrooge this year. Our house is the only one on the cul-de-sac that doesn’t have any lights up yet. With temperatures in the 70s and 80s here it STILL doesn’t feel like Christmas is less than three weeks away. My mom got 5″ of snow yesterday. I’m jealous. The kids…

Review: Mine Till Midnight

Publisher: St. Martin’s Pub. Date: October 2, 2007 ISBN-10: 0312949804 ISBN-13: 978-0312949808 I have enjoyed many of Lisa Kleypas‘ historical novels for their unique slant on how London life went on outside the highest eschelons of society. Lately, however, she’s gotten away from that and I was hoping this book would be a bit of…

Dream By The Fire: Winter Magic

I was inspired by the submission call for this anthology soon after I joined the Romance Divas this summer. However, my story didn’t make it past DH’s red pen, but I was so happy to see many familiar names when the acceptances came out. The anthology includes: Love Rewritten by Esmerelda Bishop Mistletoe Magic by…

Thursday Thirteen: NaNo Lessons

  13 Things I Learned During NaNoWriMo 1. Priorities are important — especially when you have multiple projects all due by Nov 30th. 2. The month of October is for planning, start EARLIER than Oct 31st. 3. I definitely need a road map/game plan. This plan needs to be extremely more detailed. Lord SO_N_SO is…

Downhill: 35,856

Falling sick last week really knocked a hole in my word count. I have a bit over 14k left to hit the 50k mark, but I’m already into Act III of the story and maybe have 27 pages of material planned until the end. That’s roughly 5,400 words, so that would leave around 8,800 that…