Thursday Thirteen: Happy Thanksgiving

  13 Things I’m Thankful for Today 1. My Husband — He puts up with me and all my baggage. He believes in me even when I don’t. *tonk* 2. My Monsters — Thing 1 and Thing 2 — They may drive me insane, but I love them dearly. They have their precious moments too….

25,120: Did I Mention, Colds Suck?

Writing progress since Thursday has been practically non-existent. I’ve been largely unable to sit and focus on anything for any significant amount of time. I’m about 5k words short of where I should be by this point. Guess I’m not going to be taking any time off except for cooking on Thanksgiving Day itself. I…

Review: Wife For Hire

I was first turned on to Janet Evanovich and the Stephanie Plum series a few years ago by the wife of DH’s boss at the time. I went through them like candy. The only problem is now that I’m caught up, waiting for the paperbacks to come out a year after the hardbacks are released…

24,777: Almost Half-Way!

The kids are feeling a bit better. The boy’s likely going to school tomorow. Neither have strep, so that’s a relief. Not having to stop and run back and forth to school has helped with NaNo productivity. Once I’ve gotten everything out of the way, I can sit down and pretty much write until I’m…

20,014! And Colds Suck!

I’m back at on target for NaNoWriMo! Luckily, I’m not the one suffering from the stuffy head, sore throat and cough flavored nastiness that’s going around my house this week. Both kids began to run fevers this afternoon. High enough to keep them out of school tomorrow. Joy. DH also left for the EastCoast today…

14212: Like Pulling Teeth!

Progress has been slow and painful the past couple of days. I’m at the beginning of Act II and I think I may be missing a scene or two. The problem is, I’m not sure which ones. The last couple of days I’ve been trying to fill in what I thought was missing. I’m not…


No, not an obscure reference to Lindenhurst, NY‘s zipcode. Nor is it one to The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco in Project Gutenberg or even the model number of George Foreman’s Chrome Baby Grill on 11,757 is my total word count on the novel I’m working on for NaNoWriMo. That’s right — 88…

Jump Start or Just Insane?

I don’t know if this NaNoWriMo thing was a good idea or not. I’ve managed to get 3855 words down on paper which is more than I wrote fiction-wise all last month. However, I’m not sure I can sustain that rate or if I’m prepared enough to carry this story for 50k words. I also…

Thursday Thirteen: Candy Loot!

At our house, Halloween Candy lasts until Valentine’s Day. I may have actually forgotten to throw out last year’s loot. While it’s bundled into Ziploc bags with the kids’ names on them, I can resist the temptation. It’s that whole out of sight, out of mind thing too. We only had two bunches of trick-or-treaters…

NaNo? NoWay!

Ok, I have to admit that earlier this summer I briefly flirted with the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo and quickly discarded it when I realized it was in November. NOVEMBER?!? What the hell were they thinking? It seems like August through December is always crazy around my house. Things don’t seem to settle down…