Thursday Thirteen: You Go, Girl!

  13 Things I Learned From Romance Heroines 1. Always make sure your slippers and reticule match your gown. 2. Corsets weren’t worth the trouble, the best heroes like real women with curves too. 3. True love always conquers all, even if you didn’t recognize it at first. 4. Men like to be argued with…

Not Your Ordinary Kitchen Remodel

I finally made some forward progress on the Food Critic and the Chef story last night. As you an see, I don’t have a working title for it yet. Nothing has jumped out and grabbed me. I’m probably going to completely overhaul what I have written so far. I keep reading and learning new and…

It’s Bad When…

…your own son tells you that you need a vacation just as soon as Daddy gets home. <– How I Feel September has been a stressful month on several fronts. DH has been traveling a lot this month for work. The kids are amazing! They’re able able to tune in and immediately amplify any stress…

Brainstorm: GMC & Hero’s Journey

I’ve been pondering and trying to make some more headway on that story about the Food Critic and the Chef that I brainstormed in Building Tension and Food Porn or Romance?. I hate my original outline. The story doesn’t go anywhere yet. It rambles along, but doesn’t have purpose or any promising structure. Below, I’ve…

Sentiment vs Sentimentality

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. In one of the craft books I was reading there was a whole section on the topic. The idea was that sentiment is sincere, honest emotion and sentimentality is a pre-packaged emotional bundle. Clichés become clichés because too many people see the usefulness in the pre-packaged…

Review: Anyone But You

Yesterday, DH needed to visit a bookstore to prepare for an overseas flight. This might sound strange to some folks, but he’s a voracious reader. He has been known to finish a 300 page book on an hour and a half flight. My other errands finished, I met up him at the bookstore. I didn’t…

Thursday Thirteen: Bad Hero, Bad!

  13 Things A Hero Should Never Say… …when the heroine has just impulsively confessed her love and blurted out those three little words… 1. “No, no, no. This was just supposed to be about the sex!” 2. “Me too! I am great, aren’t I?” 3. “Why does every girl I kiss say that?” 4….

Life, Interruptions, & Plans

This cartoon from the Punch magazine by John Leech in 1847 shows life hasn’t changed that much in 160 years. Everyday details intrude upon the creative space of the would-be artist. Perhaps September wasn’t the best time to try to focus on a new project or hobby. With the start of the school year, I…

He said, She said…

The article linked to the right concerns a study done on African-American males and females – an interesting read. The study cited delves into some deeper points and some particulars beyond the terms I’m thinking in. However, I liked the image and figured it was interesting enough to point out. I’d like to focus more…

Critical Thinking

I’m working my way through Christopher Vogler‘s The Writer’s Journey this weekend. It’s not a difficult read, there’s just a lot to digest and assimilate. I can already tell that my days of reading strictly for pleasure are over. As Vogler describes the different archetypes and the different phases of the Hero’s Journey, I find…