Favorite Books: Common Elements

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “What are your types of favorite books? Do you write those elements into your own? Or do you do something different? Why?” I’m a pretty omnivorous reader. I’ll read cereal boxes if left with nothing better. If you saw how many books we have. Ok,…

Weekly Photo 8/52 for 2013: Fungi

Today’s weekly photo post is of the giant fungi growing on our dying willow tree. There are several of this variety at the base of the trunk and on a couple of the higher branches. There’s also small white fungi along the upper branches that almost make it look snow covered. Yeah. Not likely here,…

Comfort Reading

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “When you need some comfort reading, who do you turn to?” I took a run at this topic back in 2008, with a Thursday Thirteen post where I listed 13 Repeatedly Reread Books in our personal library. But in looking back at that post, the…

Weekly Photo 7/52 for 2013: Bird of Paradise

Today’s weekly photo post shows off the brilliant color of the birds of paradise just beyond our pool. This photo was taken around 5pm and our property is tucked down over the hill from where the sun sets, so the lighting is all indirect and muted. Even in the low light, these flowers shine with…

Weekly Photo 6/52 for 2013: Almond Blossoms

Today’s weekly photo post is of one of our two almond trees which has begun to blossom. The crows tend to get all the nuts before we even have an inkling that they might be ready. Apparently, almond trees are a lot of work to harvest and require quite a bit of pampering so that…

Weekly Photo 5/52 for 2013: Purple Daisy

Spring has sprung here in sunny SoCal. Today’s post for my weekly photo is just one of the many flowers that has decided that the combination of scattered showers and warm weather we’ve been having mean it’s time to poke their heads up and get their bloom on! I was good this week and didn’t…

A Writing Schedule That Works (for Me)

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “Do you have a writing schedule? How do you get stuff done?” In many ways, I’m fortunate to be a stay at home mom. My biggest time suck is that I run taxi service for my kids back and forth to school. Thankfully this year…

Weekly Photo 4/52 for 2013: Doggie Tattoos?

My pick for the weekly photo this week is one of our very silly golden retriever puppy, Olivia. She’s almost a year old and she loves exploring things, like the crevices in the couch where the kids drop all sorts of tasty treasures. She’ll get her whole head down in the cushions and our son…


What’s Your Self-Editing Process?

I’m trying to develop/discover my self-editing process and this week in my accountability group How I Write series was asked, “Do you have an editing process? If so, what?” This is one of the things that I’m honestly struggling with as a writer. I do not currently have what I would term a self-editing “process”…

Weekly Photo 3/52 for 2013: Silk Floss Tree

Today’s weekly photo is of one of two Silk Floss Trees (Chorisia speciosa) on our property. This tree is holding on to its blooms as long as it possibly can, despite the lows in the 20s and frost several mornings in a row last week. I haven’t been able to get an interesting picture of…