
Staying Positive Despite Rejection

This week in my accountability group’s How I Write series we were asked, “Every writer goes through ups and downs. What do you do to keep positive about what you’re working on?” I chose to interpret this as “How do you focus on staying positive despite rejection?” Because, we writer’s know, there are different forms…

Weekly Photo 2/52 for 2013: Early Gazania Bloom

Today’s entry for my weekly photo challenge is one of the confused Gazanias in the back yard. The temperatures this week have been unusually cooler for SoCal. The highs have been in the mid-50s and the lows have been in the upper 20s. Yes, the natives think it’s parka weather. I’m happy in shirt sleeves….

Photo of several sections of the Berlin Wall on display at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
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Expand Your Comfort Zone With 4 Ideas

“What will you be doing this year to expand your comfort zone (in your writing or real life)?” is the question asked this week in my accountability group’s How I Write series. We’ve touched on this topic before and you can follow the progression in my thinking from my post “Get Out of Your Comfort…

Weekly Photo 1/52 for 2013: Camelia

As some of you know, last year I started a 365 project where you take and post a picture for every day of the year. I stalled out in September and even though I tried to pick it up again in October, the momentum was gone. This year, I decided to take a lot of…

Hello 2013 Goals, Thanks 2012!

My accountability group just kicked off a new year with new goals and are continuing with our How I Write series. This week, the question asked was, “What is one thing you’re going to do to refocus your 2013 goals that you learned in 2012?” Each year I always seem to bite off more than…

Another Interview with Historical Erotic Romance Author: Sorcha Mowbray

Another Interview with Historical Erotic Romance Author: Sorcha Mowbray

Please welcome Sorcha Mowbray back to the blog today! We’re celebrating her upcoming release of LOVE REDEEMED, which will be available on November 27th from Decadent Publishing. *** UPDATE: THE WINNER OF THE EBOOK COPY OF LOVE REVEALED IS: JEAN!! CONGRATS! *** Blurb: Love Redeemed (Book 2, The Market Series) by Sorcha Mowbray Brennan Whitling…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 42

Week 42 of our 365 Photo Challenge. I spent most of the past week in an allergy med-inuduced fog. So, I’m afraid it wasn’t a very interesting week photo-wise, but I took ’em! What you see below are links to my flickr set for the photos I’m posting for this photo challenge. Click on any…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 41

Week 41 of our 365 Photo Challenge. It’s been hard getting back in the habit this past week. I’ve had to resort to using pictures from my phone and have a VERY wide variety in subjects this week. But hey, I’m hanging in there! What you see below are links to my flickr set for…

Interview with Regency Romance Author Valerie Bowman

Interview with Regency Romance Author Valerie Bowman

I originally met Valerie Bowman online through the Beau Monde’s RWA Chapter and Twitter. Then I got to meet her last Christmas while I was in Florida visiting family. Time just flew by as we sat in Starbucks chatting about writing and our experiences so far. It was great catching up with her at Nationals and…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 40

Week 40 of our 365 Photo Challenge. I fell off the wagon in a big way during September. Everyone here was sick at the end of August, just in time for the school year to begin. It took about 3 weeks to fully recover from the plague that descended upon our house, and even then…