Research: Where Ya Wanna Go?

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group was asked, “If you could do anything for writing research, what would you do?” Honestly, this was a no-brainer for me. I’d head over to Suzi Love’s blog and pull up her category of posts for the Best Places to Visit that relate to…

Kissing Games at LuvYA Today!

A Guest Post on Kissing Games I’m talking about the history of Kissing Games on Bria’s LuvYA blog today. This is part of the celebration of Bria Quinlan and Valerie Cole‘s Month of Kisses and Kiss-Offs. A Contest to Enter Bria and Valerie have planned a whole bunch of fun ways to lead up to…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 34

Week 34 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Back to school, a plague upon our house, what else could go wrong? Kind of a variety of subjects this week. Some with the dSLR, some with the iPhone. Even played with Photoshop a little with one of them. Can’t believe this week will be September already! What…

2012 Photo Challenge: Weeks 32 & 33

What you see below are links to my flickr set for the photos I’m posting for this photo challenge. Click on any photo below to go to flickr and then you can navigate through the set with the “Previous” and “Next” arrows at the top. It’s been a busy couple of weeks here as we…

2012 Photo Challenge: Weeks 29-31

What you see below are links to my flickr set for the photos I’m posting for this challenge. Click on any photo below to go to flickr and then you can navigate through the set with the “Previous” and “Next” arrows at the top. Apologies for not posting in such a long time, but we’ll…

Do You Adopt Character Traits?

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group was asked, “There was an article a bit ago about how readers take on character traits of a favorite character from the book they’re reading. Do you do that with your own characters? Do you find yourself doing something your character would do?” I…

The Beau Monde Soiree

I’m going to stray a bit from the typical Tuesday Regency Primer post, today. Last week, I attended the annual National Conference for the Romance Writers of America. The day before the official conference started, my online chapter The Beau Monde held its annual mini-conference which included breakfast, a general meeting, a variety of workshops….

Overcoming Obstacles

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group was asked, “What’s your current biggest obstacle to success? Name at least 3 things you can do improve your chances of overcoming obstacles.” Ok, lemme ‘fess up here. I posed this question this week to my accountability group. And you know what sucks? This question…

Lord Marcus Everret

I got to beta read for this one. It’s a bit hotter than I usually read, but Jennifer Leeland is always good at providing a great story that keeps me reading along! If you like hot & spicy historicals… you should love this one! Congrats, Jen!

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 28

Week 28 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Please excuse the excess of puppy exuberance this week. It was Olivia’s first week home, so naturally she was our focus this week. She’s such a sweetie and definitely spoiled rotten already. She is sleeping in her crate at night, not with us, although she does demand cuddle…