
2012 Photo Challenge: Week 41

Week 41 of our 365 Photo Challenge. It’s been hard getting back in the habit this past week. I’ve had to resort to using pictures from my phone and have a VERY wide variety in subjects this week. But hey, I’m hanging in there! What you see below are links to my flickr set for…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 40

Week 40 of our 365 Photo Challenge. I fell off the wagon in a big way during September. Everyone here was sick at the end of August, just in time for the school year to begin. It took about 3 weeks to fully recover from the plague that descended upon our house, and even then…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 34

Week 34 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Back to school, a plague upon our house, what else could go wrong? Kind of a variety of subjects this week. Some with the dSLR, some with the iPhone. Even played with Photoshop a little with one of them. Can’t believe this week will be September already! What…

2012 Photo Challenge: Weeks 32 & 33

What you see below are links to my flickr set for the photos I’m posting for this photo challenge. Click on any photo below to go to flickr and then you can navigate through the set with the “Previous” and “Next” arrows at the top. It’s been a busy couple of weeks here as we…

2012 Photo Challenge: Weeks 29-31

What you see below are links to my flickr set for the photos I’m posting for this challenge. Click on any photo below to go to flickr and then you can navigate through the set with the “Previous” and “Next” arrows at the top. Apologies for not posting in such a long time, but we’ll…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 28

Week 28 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Please excuse the excess of puppy exuberance this week. It was Olivia’s first week home, so naturally she was our focus this week. She’s such a sweetie and definitely spoiled rotten already. She is sleeping in her crate at night, not with us, although she does demand cuddle…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 27

Week 27 of our 365 Photo Challenge. I suspect this will be a very boring week visually for most of you as I documented the preparations we’ve been doing to get ready to turn the Impending Dog into Our Dog. We were expecting to go up to the breeders for a play/training date today, but…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 26

Week 26 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Halfway point! I can’t believe we’re halfway done with 2012 and this project. I can tell that I’ve slacked off again lately and I need to push myself on a lot of fronts. Only 180-some more to go! What you see below are links to my flickr set…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 25

Week 25 of our 365 Photo Challenge. Weekend pictures bracket this set with photos of Olivia. She should get to come home the 14th of July. Maybe sooner, but more likely that weekend. We’ve been going up to the breeder’s to visit with her I think we miss her more than she misses us right…

2012 Photo Challenge: Week 24

Week 24 of our 365 Photo Challenge. We bought a puppy last weekend. She’s a 4 month old golden retriever named Olivia. Yes, this makes her initials, “OK”. She’s very sweet, but staying at the breeder’s for a few more weeks to get in some basic training skills before we bring her home. She’s likely…