
Ya know, I should have left myself some notes the other day when I said I had ideas about what to write on. I can’t remember a one now.
The week has flown by, but it feels like it was filled with one thing after another. I think I’ve managed to stay on top of my goals for the week despite things going wonky, but also I think I was a bit ambitious and might back off a little for next week. I managed to get some writing related work done, but not as much as I wanted.
I’m trying to wrap up my term as Committee Chair for my son’s Cub Scout pack in the next month and it feels like the universe is conspiring to keep me in this role. No one wants to step up. The meeting, where I was going to hand off a lot of stuff, tomorrow night has to be moved or rescheduled as the usual host has other obligations that night. My head hurts just thinking about it. I just want my “free” time to be mine again.
After two days of fog so thick we couldn’t see past our back fence at night, the Santa Anas are back. These hot, dry winds off the desert to the east were so strong DH had to take down all the “dangly stuff” on the patio so we could sleep last night. We have several windspinners and chimes out there on big S-shaped hooks. The wind was blowing so hard all you could hear was constant chiming and clanging from the hooks bouncing on the patio cover. They were still blowing hard enough today that DH didn’t want to climb up on the ladder to take the lights down. At least there was a lull for a bit and that can be crossed off the to-do list and the neighbors can’t complain now.
And yes, three earthquakes the other day and we missed all of them. Didn’t notice the one at 7:50pm and slept through the two in the middle of the night. I think I prefer these little anti-climatic ones, thank you.
Yeah, ideas. I forget ’em as soon as they whiz into my left ear and zip out the right. Very frustrating…this is why I have a notebook beside the bed (but I keep losing my pen).
Frick, the Santa Anas are here? And I was so enjoying the colder weather.
Glad you’re back.
…it was a wind that made women finger their knives. I have no idea why the word Santa Anas makes me think Raymond Chandler. 🙂
Glad to see you’re back. Sorry to hear you can’t find a willing volunteer. The trouble with doing a good job is that people want you to “continue” doing a good job.
Hehe. I love that line. I hope I never experience winds like that!
I finished up the last parent meeting I have to run tonight. Yay!!! We may have found someone for my job tonight. I wouldn’t pick him, but I won’t be there.
Yes, it’s very easy to deny that the people you rely on are leaving until the last moment. I REALLY miss the cub master who moved on with his son last Feb.
At least it’s hard to get sucked into this job beyond the point where my kid’s no longer part of the group. It’ll be making sure I don’t get sucked into other groups my kids are involved in that will be the next trick. 😉
As Bria keeps telling me… 2009 is MY year.
It should be. It’s all bottled up waiting to explode. 🙂
I have to practice saying no, ’cause I have terminal volunteeriitis. I had to say no twice today, it seems to stick in my throat. *sigh*