Improve Your Google Search: “Secrets of a Research Ninja”


Everyone’s Googled something at least once, right? But there must be ways to make your searches more efficient, effective and accurate, because no one wants or needs to spend their time wading through pages and pages of endless irrelevant results.

Wouldn’t you rather spend more time writing than on a frustrating search for that proverbial needle in an ever-growing haystack?

Download this handy quick reference guide to help you streamline and improve your Google search terms. This .pdf file prints one-sided or double-sided — your choice.



Tired of getting pages of irrelevant and useless results? Want to streamline and improve your Google search terms when researching?

I write Regency-set historical romance and have been researching various historical eras on the internet since 1993, so it’s safe to say that I’ve Googled a plethora of other topics while doing that and attempting to survive nearly three decades of motherhood. I’ve seen a variety of search engines come and go, but the essentials of narrowing your search haven’t changed much since the days of card catalogs.

Several of my friends reliably turn to me for help when they can’t find an answer quickly on the internet, claiming my google skills are so much better than theirs. This handout lets you in on a few of my “secrets,” so you too can develop some ninja-like skills!

Get your free copy of my Research Ninja Handout today! This guide includes multiple ways to improve your Google search terms and find the results you’re looking for and it prints either one-sided or double-sided — your choice.

*Please note: Google does not give all countries, Canada for instance, equal access to some options or advanced search methods covered in the handout, but it may still prove valuable to you.

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