
Eliza Hamilton Dress: Another ‘Historical’ Pattern

Once again, I’ve been scrambling to finish a costume for my eldest, an Eliza Hamilton dress and it managed to pull me away from both writing and social media for a while. Long-time readers of the blog may recall the purple widow’s dress I made for a 5th grade presentation using the Simplicity colonial dress…

Social Media: Where You’ll Find Me

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “Which social media platforms do you do? Which do you prefer and why?” I’m not an extrovert by any means, but I can almost pretend to be one on the internet for short periods of time. I do have a tendency to lurk, but I…

Favorite Books: Common Elements

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “What are your types of favorite books? Do you write those elements into your own? Or do you do something different? Why?” I’m a pretty omnivorous reader. I’ll read cereal boxes if left with nothing better. If you saw how many books we have. Ok,…

Comfort Reading

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “When you need some comfort reading, who do you turn to?” I took a run at this topic back in 2008, with a Thursday Thirteen post where I listed 13 Repeatedly Reread Books in our personal library. But in looking back at that post, the…

A Writing Schedule That Works (for Me)

This week my accountability group’s How I Write series asks, “Do you have a writing schedule? How do you get stuff done?” In many ways, I’m fortunate to be a stay at home mom. My biggest time suck is that I run taxi service for my kids back and forth to school. Thankfully this year…


What’s Your Self-Editing Process?

I’m trying to develop/discover my self-editing process and this week in my accountability group How I Write series was asked, “Do you have an editing process? If so, what?” This is one of the things that I’m honestly struggling with as a writer. I do not currently have what I would term a self-editing “process”…


Staying Positive Despite Rejection

This week in my accountability group’s How I Write series we were asked, “Every writer goes through ups and downs. What do you do to keep positive about what you’re working on?” I chose to interpret this as “How do you focus on staying positive despite rejection?” Because, we writer’s know, there are different forms…

Photo of several sections of the Berlin Wall on display at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
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Expand Your Comfort Zone With 4 Ideas

“What will you be doing this year to expand your comfort zone (in your writing or real life)?” is the question asked this week in my accountability group’s How I Write series. We’ve touched on this topic before and you can follow the progression in my thinking from my post “Get Out of Your Comfort…

Hello 2013 Goals, Thanks 2012!

My accountability group just kicked off a new year with new goals and are continuing with our How I Write series. This week, the question asked was, “What is one thing you’re going to do to refocus your 2013 goals that you learned in 2012?” Each year I always seem to bite off more than…

Fictional Foodie Favorites

Last week we talked about our Summer Writing Plans and it pains me to say that I haven’t yet managed to get started. Today was the closest I’ve come to feeling like I was on track. Our son promoted from middle school to high school yesterday, our daughter had finals, my car got clipped by…