How I Write

Overcoming Obstacles

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group was asked, “What’s your current biggest obstacle to success? Name at least 3 things you can do improve your chances of overcoming obstacles.” Ok, lemme ‘fess up here. I posed this question this week to my accountability group. And you know what sucks? This question…

Indulging in Guilty Pleasures

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group is talking about guilty pleasures, both in our regular lives and in our writing. Guilty pleasures shouldn’t be ignored. Indulge in them, because there’s a good reason that you like them. It doesn’t matter that no one else gets why you like it. They…

Where Do I Write?

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group is talking about where we write. And I’m sure that the others are going to talk more about physical spaces and where they take their laptops and notebooks for field trips. I’m going to tackle this topic from a slightly different angle. I haven’t…


Some Fabulous Regency Research Resources

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group is sharing shout outs for the people and sites who make our lives so much easier in the research department. If you’re looking for fabulous resources for Regency research, check out the sites and people listed below. I’m not sure if everyone mentioned will…


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked about Comfort Zones. So what exactly is one? Comfort Zone: Those places or activities where you’re comfortable and free from anxiety. Things that create stress and ratchet up your fears are most certainly outside of your comfort zone. Now, there’s no question I’m…

Fictional Foodie Favorites

Last week we talked about our Summer Writing Plans and it pains me to say that I haven’t yet managed to get started. Today was the closest I’ve come to feeling like I was on track. Our son promoted from middle school to high school yesterday, our daughter had finals, my car got clipped by…

Writing Plan: Summer Edition

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group’s topic is Summer Writing Plan. We were asked, “What adjustments will you make to get through the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer?” We have 4 more days of school this year. Our son will be moving up from middle school to high school….

Character Development & Archetypes

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “How do you develop your characters? Do you have a favourite kind/archetype?” We covered part of the idea of character development before and my general method is in the post, Building Characters where I likened it to my daughter’s cosplay outfits. I skimmed…

Are You BFFs With Your Heroines? Could You Be?

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “Could you be best friends with any of the heroines you’ve written. Is she/Are they someone you would hang out with? Why or why not?” I don’t know about BFFs, but my heroines are definitely the kind of people I’d hang out with….

Hard vs Easy Parts of Writing

This week for our How I Write series, my accountability group asked, “Dialogue, narrative, exposition, or description? What are your favorite parts of writing and why? Your least favorite and why? What do you do to make your least favorite parts more attractive or easier?” Deceptively Easy Parts of Writing When I am able to…