Thursday Thirteen: Grocery Staples


13 Staples on My Grocery List


Sorry for the boring topic, but I just remembered it was time for the Thursday Thirteen post again. This week has been insane. The kids had school off on Monday and it seems to be the week for all sorts of appointments.

I’ve been to the dentist twice this week, once for me and once for the boy. Have to go back on Friday to take the girl and both kids have eye exams on Friday afternoon. We also had an endocrinologist appointment on Monday. DD’s blood suagar control has slipped into the unacceptable range. So we have to be super vigilant and really enforce some better routines to improve upon those numbers. We took the new car (a shiny black Toyota Camry Hybrid, for those wondering whatever came of the 13 reasons why DH needed a new one) in this morning to drop it off to get the seat/paint protectant done and similar stuff.

This weekend DH is off to London for work and I’m heading to Disneyland with the middle school choir for a workshop and day of play at the park. DS is being shipped off to stay the night at a friend’s house since we won’t get back until late at night and DH’s flight leaves early afternoon.

I did say an insane week, right? Toss in homework, Martial Arts class and Scouts and it’s really mahem. I think I finally cleaned off all the messages on the answering machine that had piled up. I’m going to try to get back to posting regularly besides these weekly posts, maybe by next Monday.

1. Half gallon of milk

If I could get away with quarts, we’d probably do better at using all of it each week.

2. Two cases of Dasani water in half-litre bottles

I don’t like the way most of the others taste and I grew up with a well, so city tap water and the chlorination always tastes nasty to me.

3. Yogurt

Yes, 3 kinds because no one can eat the same kind: Yoplait for DH, Stoneyfield Farms for me, and YoCrunch for the kids

4. Whole Wheat Bread or rolls

This is mostly for making turkey sandwiches or pb&j for lunches

5. Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts

We eat a lot of chicken — it’s quick, it’s easy. We also eat a fair amount of pork and beef too, but mostly chicken.

6. HVR Dressing, BBQ Sauce, Newman’s Own Italian Dressing, or Teriyaki Sauce

I use these as marinade for the chicken — DUMP chicken — awesome concept — freeze the chicken breasts in the marinade and then pull out and bake at 350o for about an hour and dinner’s mostly done!

7. Baby Carrots

Isn’t it horrible to realize these aren’t real and just the broken ones that they’ve “shaped” and packaged?

8. Hidden Valley Ranch Singles

These go great with the baby carrots for school lunches and I don’t have to clean out or worry about getting back the container.

9. Plastic silverware

So much easier for school lunches and plastic spoons are better than sporks for pudding and yogurt

10. Fiber One Chewy Granola Bars

Oats & Chocolate is my favorite, but the caramel is good too. I didn’t like the fruity ones so much.

11. Juicy Juice and Kool-AId drink pouches

LOVE the kool-aid jammers 10 and the Minute Maid low-cal stuff. DD can take those for lunch and not feel “different” and they’re cheap for carb count!

12. Variety bag of single serving chips

The problem is keeping DS out of these and having any left for lunches — my mom also sends us a big box of Utz Potato Chips that I grew up with for the start of school. It’s worth the shipping to get them. 95mg of sodium per bag… Awesomeness.

13. Frozen broccoli and green beans

Love the Bird’s Eye Steam Fresh bags.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Nicholas 2 Kimberly Menozzi 3 Stephanie Adkins
4 Nina Pierce 5 Debbie Mumford 6 Jennifer McKenzie
7 Tempest Knight 8 Paige Tyler 9

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  1. Hitting this a tad early this week, huh 🙂

    I’m so addicted to FiberOne bars — there’s two flavors in my laptop bag right now….Ok, now I’m hungry!

  2. Not particularly. I usually post it around 4-4:30 my time before we go to martial arts class. I usually post about it on Divas after we get back and someone else has braved the cold, cutting waters of posting. “I’m first?”

  3. lol–you’re healthier than I, Gunga Din. My grocery list consists of Little Debbie everything, Frito-lay products and AMP, in the handy new 12 oz size.

  4. LOL There’s four of us, but yes, I do drink the lion’s share.

    I bought a box of Swiss Rolls again last week for the first time in ages. DD’s friends at school were all drooling over them and laughing because she called them “Barbie Cakes”. They used to have an add for a Little Debbie Barbie doll on the back. Nutty Bars are a favorite here too. Sometimes you have to sneak the protein in on them. *nods to self* Yeah.. that’s the ticket.

  5. Man – you’ve got me hungry for my lunch, now… And I don’t have any of that stuff here! I want some ranch dressing!


    Oh, well. I’ll get over it. Still, a fun list to peruse!

    Ciao! Happy TT!

  6. Wow! We go through a lot more milk in our house. Two gallons a week usually.
    And I hope you get some time to relax this weekend.

  7. I dunno about healthy snacking, but I’m trying to promote it anyway. 🙂

    And Jen, I’m hoping Sunday that once I pick up the boy, I can come back and just crash. At least I don’t have to be anywhere that day.


    I don’t know how you do it.

    Alice is going to post an entry on a day in HER life (under duress, she thinks it’ll be boring).

    I think I ought to demand one from you as well, because I don’t know how either of you do it. And I want to try and understand, yo.

  9. Maybe next week, Andi. 😉

    And Heather, the ONLY time I really drank milk was when I was pregnant. Otherwise, I don’t like the taste of regular milk. The boy drinks it regularly at school for lunch, the girl is like her mother and likes only chocolate milk and even Dad’s not a big milk drinker so mostly it gets used for cooking only.

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